Monday, March 17, 2014

#8- Summary of Research

I have learned a lot throughout my research in volunteerism. It was amazing to read stories of people who dedicate their time to help those in need, and undergo self transformation in the process. Volunteering can truly change your life, and that's research you cannot find by looking on the internet, but by going out and doing it yourself. It is not just targeted to students in high school who need to complete a certain set of hours, it is meant for everyone. You truly are never too old or too young to help those in need. Volunteering can teach you basic skills of interacting with others, learning, loving and putting those in need first. If its working with special needs kids, tutoring children, volunteering at soup kitchens and even visiting nursing homes, you're doing something for another person. You understand that many people in the world today are struggling more than us and you want to help them more. The story about Rita really impacted the way I felt about volunteering because not only was she shaken by the 9/11 incident but so was everyone else. But what makes Rita different from everyone else is that she decided to make a difference in other peoples lives. That is exactly what we need to be able to to, step out of our comfort zone and go experience new things. I know from my own personal experiences that volunteering always sends me home with a smile on my face. My heart feels warmer and filled with joy, as if God is looking down on me and telling me that I did a good job. I love helping others and volunteering in anyway that I can. So get out there, experience life in a way you've never seen it before!

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