Monday, March 10, 2014

#7- Students encouraging volunteerism

In most high schools today volunteering has played a big role in becoming the person you are today. I for one enjoy volunteering greatly. I believe that it is a great way to do something good for your community and to also meet other people. It can open up your eyes to such amazing things that you thought were never even possible. Schools have made it their duty to inform students that performing hours of volunteerism is now mandatory. President Obama has officially designated September 11 as National Day of Service Remembrance. We remember all those lives that were lost, volunteering their time to help out those in need. Shouldn't we return the favor?
         In Fair Lawn, NJ students are encouraging their fellow peers to take part in volunteering. Places such as soup kitchens, nursing homes, collecting food to food banks and helping struggling students. Whatever it may be, take part in it. Do something that you know will make you feel better and also those around you. Students everywhere are beginning to see the upside of volunteering. It is a feeling of sensation and wonder when you know that you have done something that great. You shouldn't have to be forced into volunteering, you should do it willingly. All schools should greatly encourage all of their students to volunteer in their communities. Because once you start, you don't want to stop. So get out there and change the world, one helping hand at a time!

Article #1:

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