Sunday, February 23, 2014

#5- Volunteering over the age of 50

Wherever we go, if we look carefully we can find many people who willingly give their time in order to fulfill their inner desire to help others. Not all volunteers are teenagers, many of them are people who are well over the age of 50. Most people after they come to a certain age, they choose to retire from their job and do something that they have always enjoyed doing. Many of them decide to volunteer for programs either in their community or even abroad. It gives them joy to be able to help out others. After retirement you begin to explore a new journey in your life, a new chapter filled with opportunities. A great way to do so is to volunteer. You begin to open up to new people instead of closing them off. As old as you might be, you are truly never old enough to help out. Volunteering abroad can also be interesting. It can show you different cultures and make you more aware of your surroundings. They have such great spirits and work well with others during their time. The people in charge of the programs understand that these people might have others things to do as well so they'll give them flexible hours to what works best for them. Seniors can always be a great asset to the community because they can take on the role of a parent towards the younger volunteers. They have a positive attitude towards everyone around them and that energy radiates to the younger volunteers as well. These are people that make volunteering fun, they are always the ones that encourage others to do more. Make your retirement fun and exciting, by meeting new people and exploring the world of volunteering. 

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