Monday, February 3, 2014

#3- Where it all begins

It all starts with you. Volunteering begins with a group of people working together to perform a certain task for others. Anyone that has ever volunteered knows that amazing feeling they feel in their heart when their done. We do it because we care for those around us. We do it to help our community. But most importantly we do it because we love it. I found a video online that showed different people that have volunteered speaking about how amazing it is to volunteer and what good it has done to them. When it comes to volunteering you must put your whole heart into it. People will know that you enjoy doing it and then they will enjoy you. Once you make that first move of wanting to help out, your whole life changes. You begin to see things that you've never seen before. You broaden your perspective on life and others as well. We volunteer because we want to. Not only are you helping out others, but you learn something out of it each time. We as human beings are designed to have compassion towards others. People just naturally love to help out because it is instilled in us. It is not a waste of time, in fact it is a time that you will always cherish. But you have to remember that it all begins with you. One person at a time we can help change the world, so when will your journey begin? 

1 comment:

  1. Hey! I really related to your post about volunteering because I myself do a lot to help people, not only in my community but other places as well. I liked the video that you chose because it really helped to highlight the wonderful feeling that people do get from all of the hard work they put into volunteering. I personally traveled to Wisconsin on the IHA Mission Trip with bunch of girls my sophomore year to volunteer, and I can honestly say it was the best experience of my life. I really related my experience to this video and hope to continue to get that great feeling that comes along with doing volunteer work. Like you said, we do it because we want to.
