Monday, April 14, 2014

#11- Revised Summary/Plan Update

As a part of my research I sent out a survey to people between the ages 13-25 and so far it is going great! It really is a great way to see if people are active in there communities and what they're really doing. My research isn't completely over, but I can't wait to see the results in the end. At this point what I see is that girls and boys between the ages 13-15 do the least amount of volunteer work! I presumed that they would be the age group that would complete the most. But my research isn't over, so we'll have to wait and see what happens. I will also be printing hard copies to hand out to my friends that I am not able to reach. Many people that took this survey are not busy, so that is certainly not an excuse when volunteering. But what has been consistent in my survey was that everyone agrees that volunteering is important in giving back to communities. It is important to everyone that takes this survey to understand the importance of volunteering and its purpose. In conclusion I believe that this survey will turn out to be a success and it really makes me curious to see who volunteers more over the other. So far its 50/50, but will it stay that way through the end?

Volunteerism Survey

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