Monday, April 28, 2014

#12- Final Summary/Reaction

In concluding my research, I have come to see many different responses and outlooks on volunteering. I have emailed and messaged everyone I knew my survey to take. I told all my friends to spread the word so that I could get as many responses/reactions as I could. I am in fact still receiving more. In total I have received 67 responses from both male and females. I received the most from the ages between 16-18, about 43%. In my hypothesis I mentioned that younger teenagers are less likely to volunteer, whereas older teens would volunteer more because they seek the meaning behind it. An eye opening response that I found interesting was the amount of hours people completed in the past 2 months. About  55% completed 5 hours or less, 21% completed 10-15 hours, 18% completed 20-30 hours and only 6% completed 50+ hours of service. It was shocking to see because the 55% who completed 5 or less hours of service were the teenagers between the ages of 13-15 and mostly 16-18. The teenagers who completed 50+ hours were only the 13-15 year old category. I was correct in my hypothesis stating that students who are younger are less likely to volunteer more hours than those who are older.
  When analyzing to see if students only volunteer for school purposes only, 52% of them said no it was not, and 30% said sometimes they did and 18% said that they only volunteered for school reasons. I wasn't at all surprised to see these responses because most students work with many other groups outside and inside of school. 58% stated that they volunteered with both groups and also on their own. I also wanted to see the range of how many people will continue volunteering in the future, it is sad to say that 50% are most likely not going to volunteer. Only 24% were sure that they would continue volunteering as they grow older. I also tested to see on a scale from 1-5 how busy people were on a daily basis, and 40% said they were pretty busy on a daily basis. This tested to see if they could make time to volunteer based on their schedules. In the end I asked everyone if they enjoy volunteering, and a staggering 88% responded by saying they love it!
  It was very fascinating to watch and evaluate everyones responses. It is sad to say that most people don't volunteer enough time because of their busy lives. Everyone in the world today is so overwhelmed with school work and jobs and getting their life together, that it can be hard to carve out time for others. Its important that we stop sometimes and take a break from all the work loads. Volunteering is a way of life and giving back to those who really need it. This survey has showed me that less people are volunteering these days. My survey was very successful and I hope to receive some more responses!

Monday, April 14, 2014

#11- Revised Summary/Plan Update

As a part of my research I sent out a survey to people between the ages 13-25 and so far it is going great! It really is a great way to see if people are active in there communities and what they're really doing. My research isn't completely over, but I can't wait to see the results in the end. At this point what I see is that girls and boys between the ages 13-15 do the least amount of volunteer work! I presumed that they would be the age group that would complete the most. But my research isn't over, so we'll have to wait and see what happens. I will also be printing hard copies to hand out to my friends that I am not able to reach. Many people that took this survey are not busy, so that is certainly not an excuse when volunteering. But what has been consistent in my survey was that everyone agrees that volunteering is important in giving back to communities. It is important to everyone that takes this survey to understand the importance of volunteering and its purpose. In conclusion I believe that this survey will turn out to be a success and it really makes me curious to see who volunteers more over the other. So far its 50/50, but will it stay that way through the end?

Volunteerism Survey

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

#10- Strategy Plan for Research

For my research I plan on doing an online survey. The survey will consist of at least 10 questions. I am going to test about 30-40, between the ages 13-25. Because I have a big gap in the age group, it will help my research to see which group volunteers their time more often than so. I think in the end I will find out that teenagers between the ages 13-18 volunteer less time in helping out. Where as when people get older, from ages 20-25, they will begin to see that it is a great benefit and amazing feeling in the end. Yes, some teenagers volunteer for their schools so that they can complete hours, but what I am testing to see is how many people volunteer on a regular basis without being told to do so.

Friday, April 4, 2014

#9- Suggested Research Method

What I have decided to do for my research method is to see how many people actually volunteer their time without being told what to do so. Ranging from the ages between 13-25 years old, I want to research how many people out of the age groups volunteer more time. Meaning which age group has more time on there hands to schedule time for volunteering. I myself know that being a junior in high school, I don't really have much time on my hands. But I always try to schedule myself accordingly. I am excited to find out if people volunteer more or less.